March 01,
Those people who have hit 5 absences for the
semester, excused or not, will now have to make up their missed assignments during ELO only, and MUST do so by the next ELO,
or they will not receive grade credit for their work! Further, I will be calling parents at work every day
you're absent, to let them know what you're missing, what your grade dropped to, and how many total absences you have
for the semester at that point.
Several people have elected to miss classes on a selective basis, and I will no
longer tolerate this kind of activity! If you wish to pass this class and not have me make daily contact with your parents,
you MUST come to class on a regular basis, and I will have NO sympathies for you, if you are even 1/10th of a point from the
next grade. I will NOT bump the grade up in those instances, if you have 5 or more absences by the end of the
1) Type all lines on pages 43 thru
45, making sure you save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
2) If you finish those three pages properly,
you may use the rest of the day to catch up on work you're behind on, EXCEPT work you missed due to an absence, if you're
at FIVE or more absences for the semester. You can check the dates of your absences through your student/parent grade
a great day!!
March 03, 2005:
Those people who have hit 5 absences for the
semester, excused or not, will now have to make up their missed assignments during ELO only, and MUST do so by the next ELO,
or they will not receive grade credit for their work! Further, I will be calling parents at work every day
you're absent, to let them know what you're missing, what your grade dropped to, and how many total absences you have
for the semester at that point.
Several people have elected to miss classes on a selective basis, and I will no
longer tolerate this kind of activity! If you wish to pass this class and not have me make daily contact with your parents,
you MUST come to class on a regular basis, and I will have NO sympathies for you, if you are even 1/10th of a point from the
next grade. I will NOT bump the grade up in those instances, if you have 5 or more absences by the end of the
1) Besides our weekly timed writing grade,
today will be a make-up/catch-up day for everyone! Remember that
you can only make up those assignments you were here for, but just got behind on, if you've got 5 or more absences!!!
If you forget, and do them anyway, they will simply go in the trash without a grade,
as you MUST come in and complete them during ELO to get credit for them, and do so by 7:50am on the ELO after you've
missed class.
NOTE: All others with less than 5 absences, see me before completing assignments you were
gone for. I'll approve this on a case-by-case basis!
a great day!!
March 08, 2005:
1) Type all lines on pages 46 thru
48, making sure you save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
If you finish those three pages properly, you may use the rest of the day to catch up on work you're behind on, EXCEPT work
you missed due to an absence, if you're at FIVE or more absences for the semester. You can check the dates of your absences
through your student/parent grade viewer.
a great day!!
March 10, 2005:
1) Type all lines on pages 49 thru
54, making sure you save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
NOTE: Due to the fact that we have SIX pages of assignments due today, we will not do a weekly timed writing
today! However, those students who remembered to bring in their permission slips to take the Health survey will
only need to do pages 49 thru 52.
THOSE STUDENTS TAKING THE SURVEY, ONLY: Neatly write on a piece of notebook paper, "I took the health survey
today!" Then, put your name, date, and block # on the top and turn them in. This sheet, along with your completed
survey form will count toward your last two pages that were assigned for today. If you choose to go for 15 points
of extra-credit each, you may also STILL type all 6 pages that were due today.
a great day!!
March 21, 2005:
1) Type all lines on page 56, making
sure you save this page SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
2) Type all lines on page 57, making sure you
save this page SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
NOTE: This will be the first of several lessons, where you'll be
taught proper writing technique! Part of what you will be graded on, here, will be whether or not you properly capitalized
what should be capitalized (ie, the first letter of the first word of every sentence). You will ALSO print this page
and turn it in to your teacher. You'll receive a double grade for it......1
for completing and saving it properly on your disk, and 1 for properly typing the entire document, including capitalizing
where appropriate.
3) You will also be given 11 "Correction Symbols" that you
will start using to highlight your errors on EVERY timed writing assignment we take the rest of the semester. You will
turn in a copy of your notes, TODAY, for a grade!
4) Finally, you will be given information you'll
need to prepare for a quiz you'll take in class next time. You can use your notes to prepare for this quiz, but will
NOT be able to use them DURING the quiz next class!
Have a great day!!
March 23, 2005:
TODAY will be EASY for those who show
up for class, and made difficult for those who miss!! Only those with SCHOOL-excused absences (not parent-excused) will
be able to make up the SAME work completed by those in class today!
1) Type all lines on page 59, making sure you
save this page SEPARATELY on your disk, while also printing out your final results!!
This is the second time you'll receive a double grade for completing a typing assignment......1 for completing
and saving it properly on your disk, and 1 for properly typing the entire document, including capitalizing where appropriate.
2) REMINDER: You will be given a short quiz on Friday
of this week! Part of it will be over all of the correction symbols given to you on 3/21! The bulk of the points
will be for how well you know your keyboard!
In addition
to the above assignment, you will also be required to type all lines on pages 58, 60, and 62 making sure you
save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!
NOTE: To receive full credit for this missed work, you MUST
report to the NEXT available ELO, and do so by 7:50am, NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
Have a great day!!
March 25, 2005:
1) Complete Microtype NUMBERS lesson 1, making sure to print your final results
2) Today is the day we will take Word Processing Quiz
#1, which deals with the correction symbols, what you place inside your headers in this class, the letters on your keyboard,
etc. You will QUIETLY move over to room #225, where you will take this quiz. Once you've completed this task,
you may come back to this room to finish your work, etc.
3) Last, we will take our timed writing of the week today, and your corrections MUST be completed
by correctly using your newly-learned correction symbols. The "A" level today will be 25 WPM. Any error not caught counts against you double, as normal. Further, any error NOT highlighted
using the proper correction symbol will ALSO be counted against you, double. You may NOT use somebody else to correct
your papers!!!!!
Have a great day!!
March 29, 2005:
1) Complete Microtype NUMBERS lessons 2-4, making sure to print your final results
pages. ANYONE with 5 absences or more, excused or not, can ONLY make up these
assignments (due to an absence today) by coming in to ELO within a week, by 8am, SHARP, or before! Otherwise, they cannot
be made up.
2) Last, we will take our timed writing of the week on Thursday of this week, and your corrections
MUST be completed by correctly using your newly-learned correction symbols. The "A" level today will be 25 WPM.
Any error not caught counts against you double, as normal. Further,
any error NOT highlighted using the proper correction symbol will ALSO be counted against you, double. You may NOT use
somebody else to correct your papers!!!!!
Have a great day!!
March 31, 2005:
1) Complete Microtype NUMBERS lessons 5 and 6, making sure to print your final
results pages. ANYONE with 5 absences or more, excused or not, can ONLY make
up these assignments (due to an absence today) by coming in to ELO within a week, by 8am, SHARP, or before! Otherwise,
they cannot be made up.
2) You will NOT have to do a timed writing for the week today, UNLESS the substitute teacher
tells me he caught you doing things you shouldn't be doing while I'm away. So, read during SSR, don't surf the Internet
until you are finished with your work, and do NOT get into chat rooms or IMs (instant message areas)!!! He'll
be looking for it, and I'll talk to the librarians when I return.
IF you are caught doing anything you're not
supposed to do, you WILL do a timed writing for me on Monday next week, for today, with the "A" speed being set higher than
what you are able to do! Otherwise, this should be an easy day
for you.
PLEASE be good during the class, AND SSR, and remember to log off, and leave the
room the way we find it. Do NOT hang around the doors at the end of SSR. I've already warned him about this!
Have a great day!!