January 4, 2005:
1) Go over classroom syllabus and classroom expectations.
2) Take Syllabus quiz.
3) Log into Microtype, to get it ready to complete the
January 6, 2005:
1) Go over the concept of "Home Row Keys."
2) Review how to log onto Microtype.
3) Do lesson 1 on Microtype (learning letters a,s,d,f,j,k,l,;,"enter," and
4) Do Microtype lesson R1 (reviewing homerow keys).
5) Do Microtype lesson 2 (learning "e" and "h").
6) Your instructor will show everyone how to set up a "Header" on a WORD
document, BEFORE you type the next assignment. It will ALWAYS include the following items:
**Student's Name
**Block & Class (example: "B2/Word Processing")
**Page # of the assignment completed
**Date assignment was given
7) Your instructor will show you how to save EVERY one of your WORD documents
from now on!! The label you give your documents will ALWAYS begin
with the page number you typed, and the numerical date it as assigned, with a single space separating those two items.
8) Type all lines on page 16, making sure you have a proper
"Header" on your document.
it as: "Page 18 01-06-05"
January 10, 2005:
GRADES FOR USING PROPER FORM WHILE TYPING EVERY WEEK!!!! Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
2) Type all lines on page 20, making sure you have a proper
"Header" on your document.
to save it EXACTLY as: "Page 20 01-10-05" on your floppy disk!
remember to enter a proper "header" for this, and all WORD documents you save. Refer to the notes for 01/06/05 above,
to remember how to do this properly.
NOTE: If you still don't have a disk, do
NOT complete this assignment at this time. You will have until the end of THIS week to do so in MY room (#225) during
ELO only!!
3) Do Microtype lesson 3 (learning i and r).
Turn in your printed final results page.
4) Do Microtype lesson 4 (review). Turn in
your printed final results page.
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching any of the metal parts of your floppy
disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out whatever you save on them.).
January 12, 2005:
FOR USING PROPER FORM WHILE TYPING EVERY WEEK!!!! Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking for:
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
2) Type all lines on pages 11 thru 13, and 26, making sure you
save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
to save each page EXACTLY as: "Page 11 01-12-05" (note that each number of your date/year has
two digits) on your floppy disk!
remember to enter a proper "header" for this, and all WORD documents you save. Refer to the notes for 01/06/05 above,
to remember how to do this properly.
NOTE: If you still don't have a disk, do
NOT complete this assignment at this time. You will have until the end of THIS week to do so in MY room (#225) during
ELO only!!
3) There will be NO Microtype lessons today. However,
if you finish correctly typing all 4 of today's WORD documents, it is suggested that you take some time to take some practise
timed writings through Microtype. We will begin taking timed writings for a grade beginning next week. 12 WPM
(Words Per Minute) is your goal for an "A" grade on timed writings next week, AFTER your errors are counted out.
NOTE #1: ALL timed writings that begin
officially next week will be completed while using the black "key guards" to block you from being able to see your keyboards.
NOTE #2: Friday, for a grade, we will take
at least one more practise timed writing through Microtype.
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching any of the metal parts of your floppy
disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out whatever you save on them.).
January 14, 2005:
FOR USING PROPER FORM WHILE TYPING EVERY WEEK!!!! Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking for:
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
2) Type all lines on pages 15, 16, and 28, making sure you save
each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
to save each page EXACTLY as: "Page 15 01-14-05" (note that each number of your date/year has
two digits) on your floppy disk!
remember to enter a proper "header" for this, and all WORD documents you save. Refer to the notes for 01/06/05 above,
to remember how to do this properly.
NOTE: If you still don't have a disk, do
NOT complete this assignment at this time. You will have until the end of THIS week to do so in MY room (#225) during
ELO only!!
3) Do lessons 5 and 6 on Microtype (learning letters a,s,d,f,j,k,l,;,"enter,"
and "space"). Print your results pages of each one, and turn them in.
Reminder #1: ALL timed writings that
begin officially next week will be completed while using the black "key guards" to block you from being able to see your keyboards.
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching any of the metal parts of your floppy
disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out whatever you save on them.).
January 19, 2005:
1) REMEMBER #1: You
MUST start using the black cardboard keyguards starting today!! Your teacher will disqualify you on specific assignments
you're doing, if you're caught excessively looking around or over them WHILE typing. You also MUST keep them properly
positioned at ALL times throughout the day.
2) REMEMBER #2: THIS is the week we will
begin receiving grades for "proper form" while typing. Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking for during
ANY given day:
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
3) Type all lines on pages 17 thru 20, making sure you save each
of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
to save each page EXACTLY as: "Page 15 01-14-05" (note that each number of your date/year has
two digits) on your floppy disk!
remember to enter a proper "header" for this, and all WORD documents you save. Refer to the notes for 01/06/05 above,
to remember how to do this properly. This will be the last reminder about putting proper
headers on your WORD documents!
NOTE: Remember that you will
NOT receive grades for assignments completed in class that were missed due to absences. You MUST make those assignments
up during ELO in room #225 within 2 ELOs from when you missed the class(s).
4) There will be NO Microtype lessons today. Remember to NOT do any
in advance of when they are due!!!
Reminder #1: ALL timed writings that
begin officially THIS week, and will be completed while using the black "key guards" to block you from being able
to see your keyboards. Your teacher will get you all started together near the end of class. REMEMBER
to not use your backspace delete key to correct errors, or your timed writings will NOT be accepted!!
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching any of the metal parts of your floppy
disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out whatever you save on them.).
January 21, 2005:
1) REMEMBER #1: You
MUST start using the black cardboard keyguards starting today!! Your teacher will disqualify you on specific assignments
you're doing, if you're caught excessively looking around or over them WHILE typing. You also MUST keep them properly
positioned at ALL times throughout the day.
2) REMEMBER #2: THIS is the week we have
begun receiving grades for "proper form" while typing. Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking for during
ANY given day:
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
NOTE: Remember that you will
NOT receive grades for assignments completed in class that were missed due to absences. You MUST make those assignments
up during ELO in room #225 within 2 ELOs from when you missed the class(s).
3) Type all lines on pages 21 and 22, making sure you
save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
4) Do lessons 7 and 8 on Microtype.
Print your results pages of each one, and turn them in.
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching any of the metal parts of your floppy
disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out whatever you save on them.).
January 25, 2005:
REMEMBER: We have begun receiving WEEKLY
grades for "proper form" while typing. Here are the primary things Mr. Orr will be looking for during ANY given day:
1) Are you sitting upright in
your chair (back straight)?
2) Are your feet FLAT on the floor
at all times?
3) Are your arms relatively level while in
a typing position?
4) Are your hands ALWAYS on the homerow keys
while typing?
5) Are you using the proper fingers to strike
each key EVERY time?
1) Type all lines on pages 23 and 24, making sure you
save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!!
2) Do lessons 9 and 10 on Microtype. Print your results pages of each one, and turn them in.
NOTE: If you get finished
with the work that's due today, try to get all other unfinished work completed and turned in. You might also do a warmup
timed writing as well! We will do our second one for a grade during the next class. 14 WPM (words per minute)
is your goal, AFTER your errors are counted out. You WILL use your black keyguards for timed writings from now on!
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching
any of the metal parts of your floppy disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out
whatever you save on them.).
January 27, 2005:
1) Type all lines on pages 25 Thru 28,
making sure you save each of these pages SEPARATELY on your disk, properly!! You should have
2) Do lessons 11 on Microtype. Print your results pages of each one, and turn them in.
3) The rest of the day is yours for getting caught up in class, if you're
4) Your instructor will assign your weekly timed writing for a grade, later
in the class. You might consider doing a couple of them to get prepared!
NOTE #1: The "A"
level for your timed writings today will be 14 WPM (after your errors are taken out)!
NOTE #2: Starting with TODAY's
timed writing, you cannot have any more than 5 total errors to qualify for a grade, regardless of how fast you type!
Your teacher will NOT accept your timed writing if you have more than 5 errors, whether YOU caught them or not!
NOTE #3: Make sure you catch
and circle ALL of your errors made within your timed writings each time we do them. Each one your teacher catches, which
you do not, will count against you TWICE!! Subtract your errors from your "GWAM" score (bottom left of your printout),
then circle your final "WPM" score WITH those letters, somewhere in the middle of your paper.
REMINDER!!! ALWAYS try to avoid touching
any of the metal parts of your floppy disk! Static electricity shock on them (ie, from the carpet, etc.) can wipe out
whatever you save on them.).
January 31, 2005:
1) This will be a wide open
catchup day for those present in class today. For a grade, those in class will be asked to answer a single question,
which they can find by using this assignment page for today (01/31). Those absent due to non-school related reasons
will be given a 4-page typing assignment, which will be due not later than two ELO periods from today!
NOTE: If you are caught up in class, and present today, you may use
it as a study hall to catch up in other classes. DO NOT GO SURF THE INTERNET
2) Take out a half-sheet of notebook
paper, and write your Name, Date, and Block # on thetop of it, in preparation for the answer to today's "Participation/Effort"
question. To receive a "Participation/Effort" grade for today, your teacher will ask you to write down the answer
from today's assignment page, which he will specify some time during class! You MUST already be on this assignment page
to qualify for this grade, and may not look off somebody else's screen to find that word he'll seek from you.
3) We will have one graded timed writing for this week, with 15 WPM
(score after errors are subtracted from your GWAM) being the "A" level, with NO more than 5 total errors! If you have 6 or more errors, your paper will NOT be accepted!
NOTE #1: Make
sure you catch and circle ALL of your errors made within your timed writings each time we do them. Each one your teacher
catches, which you do not, will count against you TWICE!! Subtract your errors from your "GWAM" score (bottom left of
your printout), then circle your final "WPM" score WITH those letters, somewhere in the middle of your paper.
NOTE #: GWAM = Gross Words Per Minute
= Words Per Minute -
Timed writing score after
errors are counted out.